Level 10 idec Blog

Welcome to Level 10 Blog . In this level you will be working with the skills that enable you to connect your thoughts in a clear and understandable manner. Our blog will provide you with further practice on some course topics, as well as remind you of some important dates.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

End of Year Exam.

Sooner than we expected, the end of the school year is here. I hope that you finish the course  with lots of new learning experiences as well as great memories for the years to come.

As you know, our exam will cover topics seen through the first and second semesters. 
Following are the structures  you will have to revise for the exam. Bear in mind that the exam will be comprised of open ended questions.

  1. Reported Speech
  2. Passive Voice
  3. Information questions (who, where, what, which etc)
  4. Indirect questions
  5. Conditional sentences
  6. Past Perfect vs Past Simple
  7. Gerunds and Infinitives
  8. Future in the Past
  9. Modal verbs in the Past
  10. Past habits (used to /would).    
Here is some practice:

  1. Click here and here to practice reported speech.
  2. Click here,  and here to practice gerunds and infinitives.
  3. Click here  here to practice modals in the past.
  4. Click here and here to practice past perfect vs simple past.
  5. Click here  and here and here to practice conditional sentences.
  6. Click here to practice information questions.
  7. Click here to practice indirect questions.
  8. Click here to practice used to/would.
  9. Click here to practice passive voice.
  10. Click here to practice future in the past.

Click here for a LESSON on gerunds and infinitives.
Click here for a LESSON on indirect (embedded) questions.
Watch these Videos on reported speech and past perfect.